In an emergency call 000.
If you are worried that you may be experiencing domestic or sexual violence, help is available. Our website has information on the services we have available, safety planning, and other information and resources.
You can contact us during business hours to talk about your situation.
24-hour help:
Tel: 1800 811 811
Tel: 1800 737 732
Where else can I find help?
QLD Government information:
I am a person using violence
If you are worried that you are using violence or abuse in your relationship, things can change. The past does not have to define your future.
Have you ever:
- Shouted or screamed at a family member?
- Called a family member insulting or belittling names and constantly criticised them?
- Prevented your partner spending money for their personal use?
- Slapped, hit, pushed, or shoved a family member – or threatened to?
- Scared your partner or children?
- Thrown something in your partner’s or child’s presence such as a glass, TV remote, mobile phone?
- Pressured your partner into doing something sexual that they did not want to?
- Stopped your partner from doing something they wanted to do such as going out with friends, studying, or working?
If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions and you live in the Toowoomba, Darling or Southern Downs regions, then DVAC can help.
Take responsibility and contact us and speak with someone who can discuss available options. DVAC offers face to face and virtual behaviour intervention groups to support men who are wanting to do something different.
Our website has information on the services that we have available, and you can access information and advice from:
Tel: 1300 789 978
Another person
It is normal to feel worried about someone you care for who may be experiencing violence or abuse and we can all make a difference by speaking up against disrespect, sexism, and abuse.
There is no one size fits all approach to the best way to do this because it depends on the situation.
For example, if you notice someone speaking to their partner with disrespect, controlling them or being abusive you can speak up if it safe to do so – let them know that you are concerned and that it is not ok and that they can choose to behave differently and get some help.
If you are worried about a friend of family member who may be a victim of abuse, you can discretely let them know about free confidential phone numbers that they can call to get help. You can let them know that you are worried for their safety and see if you can support them to get help and make a safety plan.
QLD Government information on how to help someone: