Specialised Training

About specialised training

Our training is designed for a wide range of professionals, including practitioners in the community, family, education and as well as health sectors.  Our trainers are specialists in responding to gendered violence and education. Our trainers are able to deliver contemporary content via face-to-face or virtual, including:

  • Presentations (for workplaces and groups)
  • Workshops (tailored to client needs)
  • Professional development (for groups and individuals)


Training modules

D&FV workplace training packages have been developed both for workers and workplace leaders. DVAC is able to tailor training for the workplace for employees and leadership who want to develop their skills to recognise and respond to DFV at work.

What we cover:

    • How DFV Intersects with the workplace.
    • The impacts of DFV on employees and workplaces.
    • Recognising DFV in the workplace.
    • How to respond to those experiencing DFV in the workplace.
    • What other factors influence DFV?
    • The cycle of violence
    • Concepts of Power and Control
    • Myths and realities of D&FV

What we cover:

  • Recognising domestic and family violence (D&FV)
  • Forms of abuse and the cycle of violence
  • Concepts of power and control and D&FV
  • Myths and realities of D&FV
  • Interactive exploration of values and beliefs relating to D&FV
  • Effects of abuse on women, children and young people
  • Conducting risk assessments and creating a safety plan
  • Working with women as victims of D&FV
  • Working with children and young people who have experienced D&FV
  • Risk indicators and how to respond
  • Domestic violence legislation in QLD


Customised training

This is an opportunity for you to let us know you’re your workplace needs.  We will work with you to develop training that is relevant and accessible for your workplace.

All training is available face to face where possible and online.

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